of our company

Tre-s is a fast-growing company, founded in 1991, which has established itself in the field of mould production, from which it has learned the peculiarities of its products.
Over the years, the company has evolved to specialise in the field of heat sinks, which account for the majority of our turnover.
Through continuous investment, the company now boasts a working area of over 2500 m/2 and more than 30 employees, who are educated and trained for production excellence.
The wide range of our custom and consumer products allows us to meet the most specific requirements of our customers.
Production is aimed at the most diverse fields including telecommunications, energy, automotive, drivers, industrial electronics, energy, rail, UPS, lighting, etc.
Through our fleet of machines we are able to guarantee and satisfy our customers' needs in the best possible way. All the CNCs, in 4.0 technology, dialogue with specific software such as CAD-CAM that allows three-dimensional models and the correct geometries necessary for machining the machine tools.
The research and development department and the technical office can support the customer from the idea to the subsequent design and finally to the production; through specific software we are able to realise and respond to your needs on both existing and new products.
In order to optimise productivity and best meet the various needs of customers, TRE-S S.r.l. has a wide range of extruded profiles in stock which, combined with the flexibility of the various production cycles, allow fast delivery times, an important and indispensable factor in meeting any urgency or request imposed by the market.
The design with CAD-CAM systems, the use of CNC machining centres, the training of personnel and the controls carried out at all stages of processing allow a high level of quality to be achieved.